Manage all your AIA payment with Pay EZ

Enjoy greater convenience using AIA Pay EZ – an online payment platform that allows our customers to manage all AIA policy payments from one location.

Select a payment type

Set up recurring arrangement

Apply for recurring arrangements for hassle-free payments.


Make one-time payment

Pay your policy via credit cards or PayNow QR.



  1. We will only accept Singapore issued cards.
  2. Visa and AMEX are currently only applicable for premium payment / arrangement up to 1st policy year.
  3. Credit card payments are not allowed for single premium policies.
  4. Please ensure you have sufficient credit / funds in your card / bank account.
  5. For paynow limit, the limit is arranged between the bank and yourself.
  6. Financial Services Consultants and Insurance Advisers are not allowed to collect cash payment on behalf of AIA.

Other payment types

Acceptance code

If you receive acceptance code from us, continue your payment here

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AXS and online banking

Make payment via AXS online or iBanking on all major banks

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Third party declaration form

Only applicable for Cheques, Bank drafts and cashier’s order exceeding SGD20K (US$ equivalent based on AIAS prevailing exchange rate). You will need Payor’s cheque number and bank name details.

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Payment FAQ

For more information on payment options

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You need to logout first before attempt a new login

Other payment methods

Your payment made will be updated in our system within 3 working days.

You will be re-directed to another site.

Please select one of the payment methods

Are you sure?

If you confirm to leave, all information entered will be lost.

Version EPR-42269