Members' Stories

Christina has been struggling with her weight until she met Cecilia, AIA Financial Services Manager, at a roadshow who recommended her to take up AIA Vitality with an insurance plan purchase. With AIA Vitality, Christina's wellness journey took a remarkable turn as she started to make small but impactful changes such as reducing screen time to sleeping one more hour and making healthier choices, in order to earn AIA Vitality points.
As Christina had frequent ankle injuries due to her weight, she was clocking 10,000 steps every day for her Weekly Fitness Challenge, and as her fitness level improved, she gradually embraced more exciting activities such as Spin and Bounce classes which she attends together  with Cecilia. By doing AIA Vitality's health assessments, Christina has also gained a deeper understanding of herself and what she can do to level up on her health.
"I'm proud to be an #AIAVitalitySG member. Two years on, I have lost a total of 20kg. I now feel more energetic and am living a healthier, happier life." – Christina
With AIA Vitality, members can gain insight into their well-being, while earning Vitality points and enjoying partner rewards to stay on track. Now, that gives you more reasons to Live Well with AIA Vitality. Are you ready to be part of the AIA Vitality family?
Hear their inspiring sharing here.
"When I first started, I couldn't even run 800 metres."
After learning that his wife was expecting, Terence decided to change his lifestyle and be a role model for his child. From giving up binge eating and fast food for supper, to starting a daily 30-minute walk which eventually progressed to a run, AIA Vitality has paced his journey over time and supported him to shed 35kg in 8 months. Even then, Terence continued to stay committed to his fitness regimen so that he can keep improving day by day, and the weekly rewards from the Weekly Fitness Challenge gave him the added boost. This spurred him to be more active by clocking in more steps and more workouts until it has now become a natural part of his routine. His incredible health transformation inspired his followers such that some even reach out to him personally for guidance and fitness advice. 
"AIA Vitality motivates me to push for another 10 minutes more in my runs or get active to hit more than 10,000 steps. It's the sum of repeating these little efforts, day in and day out, that lead to my weight loss success today."
At AIA Vitality we recognised that taking the first step is always the most difficult. Through progressive goals and rewards, we provide constant encouragement to push you further. Now, that gives you more reasons to Live Well with AIA Vitality. Are you ready to be part of the AIA Vitality family?
Hear his inspiring sharing here.
Initially drawn to AIA Vitality for its partner rewards and benefits, Feliza quickly got into her groove for fitness after taking up Les Mills BodyCombat classes at Fitness First. She found herself going for classes frequently, sometimes up to three times a day, and heading to the gym at least thrice a week. 
Noticing her positive change in lifestyle and seeing how enthusiastic Feliza has been, her partner Anthony, an avid sportsperson who holds a black belt in Karate and Taekwondo, also signed up for AIA Vitality and joined her at Fitness First. They found a common love in Les Mills BodyCombat and soon their couple dates consist of quality time spent at the classes and gym. Their new-found interest in Les Mills BodyCombat eventually led both of them to become certified Les Mills BodyCombat Instructors. 
Using AIA Vitality to keep track of their workout plans, Anthony is now exploring more activities to continue to fuel his fitness journey. He is looking forward to reach Platinum Vitality status next year.
"I find that our fitness journey not only got us to be physically stronger, but also led to us being mentally and emotionally stronger, as a couple." – Feliza
Strengthening your resolve and empowering you, AIA Vitality builds a community and support network for your needs. It is more than simply earning points or rewards, it is a lifestyle change for a better and healthier you. Now, that gives you more reasons to Live Well with AIA Vitality. Are you ready to be part of the AIA Vitality family?
Hear their inspiring sharing here.
"It's very important to have a goal. In the past,  I was walking around without a map."
Sinta joined AIA Vitality since 2018 and during the Circuit Breaker, she discovered that she needed to overcome stagnation in her health goals.
It started as a way to pass the time quickly, and soon AIA Vitality became a newfound passion for her. These days, she runs 50km a week while training for her next marathon. It not only elevated Sinta's fitness, but also fueled her drive to become a goal-oriented person. Her dedication to running and tracking it with AIA Vitality even inspired her mother to join her for morning jogs, and eventually helped lower her cholesterol. Sinta's mother is now an #AIAVitalitySG member too!
"AIA Vitality has pumped up my life in so many ways! I get to explore different running routes and various parts of Singapore with so many newfound friends. What's more, my mum is also on AIA Vitality with me!"
For both you and your loved ones, AIA Vitality can be the guiding force toward your goals. With a multitude of resources, incentives and support, AIA Vitality empowers you to become better, fitter and healthier. Now, that gives you more reasons to Live Well with AIA Vitality! Are you ready to be part of the AIA Vitality family?
Encouraged by her Financial Services Consultant, Daphne was first enticed to join AIA Vitality for the Cold Storage vouchers and premium discounts that she could enjoy.
Putting the wealth of benefits to good use, Daphne was able to get the best value out of her AIA Vitality membership. She earn cashback on her HealthyFoodTM shopping at Cold Storage every week, as well as enjoy discounts from other Vitality partner rewards and benefits.  Her biggest tip for maintaining her Platinum Vitality status involves collecting points from HealthyFoodTM purchases and clocking her physical activity points with regular jogs in between her work and family commitments.
Overtime, she noticed that the rewards and benefits of being on AIA Vitality had extended further to her mental and physical well-being and that kept her even more motivated. What started out as a by-the-way, is now a routine and a commitment to Daphne — and she has every intention of reaching new heights by putting her health first.
"After joining AIA Vitality, I have enjoyed greater benefits to my mental and physical well-being, and there are now more reasons for me to continue maintaining my Platinum Vitality Status!"
Experience a world of wellness and unlock a wealth of benefits. At AIA Vitality, we give you the motivation to strive towards a holistic lifestyle and thrive in every aspect. Now, that gives you more reasons to Live Well with AIA Vitality!
"Initially I was just trying to clock my points to get the vouchers, but now it's about staying disciplined and keeping a routine I truly enjoy."
David's passion for cycling began as a casual pursuit but that quickly transformed into years of commitment — spurring him to regularly participate in triathlons and Ironman competitions. He found out that AIA Vitality not only complemented his workout regimen but also allowed him to earn Vitality points through his favourite tracking device, the Garmin Fenix 7 Solar, to get rewards. AIA Vitality also helps to structure his training, motivate him to train between 10 to 12 hours a week as he revs up for his next long-distance triathlon. 
Documenting his journey through social media, he plans to showcase his achievements and share his experiences with more people. He has most recently completed the Tokyo Marathon and the Ironman 70.3 Desaru Coast. David continues to set his sights on participating in more to come. If you're eager to witness this incredible journey, check out his progress by searching for the hashtag #AIAVitalitySG on Instagram!
At AIA Vitality, we are dedicated to being your inspiration and support to help you achieve your goals. Be it fitness or health, our comprehensive rewards and benefits serve as a guide, motivating you to keep going. Now, that gives you more reasons to Live Well with AIA Vitality!
"It helps you think about, besides exercising, what else can improve your life?"
Signing up with AIA Vitality did more than kickstarting Casilda's transformation journey — it helped her overcome knee issues and even a surgery recommendation. 
Her initial motivation grew from simply clocking Vitality points and redeeming vouchers to using her fitness regimen as a way to destress and have fun. Exploring a myriad of exhilarating classes, her passion for physical well-being ignited, driving her towards healthy change. Rallying her friends to join her on this journey, she motivated them to participate in team challenges, earning Vitality points together and strengthening their bond in the process. Through these lifestyle changes, Casilda was motivated to go beyond working out to discovering other ways to improve her health, such as health screenings. With these new habits, she was able to completely reshape her life, losing a remarkable 80kg
At AIA Vitality, holistic well-being is right at your fingertips. Turn simple choices into change for the better while enjoying every step of the way with an array of benefits. Now, that gives you more reasons to Live Well with AIA Vitality. Are you ready to be part of the AIA Vitality family?
"I felt that the whole journey was nothing short of exciting."
For Yuko, AIA Vitality combines her three great loves: groceries, keeping active and coffee from Ya Kun Kaya Toast.
Coming from a family of performers, Yuko finds joy in dancing as she sees it as a fun way to work out while being a creative outlet. She was introduced to AIA Vitality through her Financial Services Consultant and is now dedicated to finding new and exciting ways to stay in shape. Later on, to add variety and excitement to her regime, she also took up Yoga and Boxing to keep active! The gamification and reward mechanics is an additional benefit to keeping fit, and clocking Vitality points has become a core motivation. In order to level up her Vitality Status, she even flew back to Singapore just to complete her health assessments to earn more Vitality points!
AIA Vitality believes that staying fit and healthy should be enjoyable and tailored to suit every unique lifestyle and interest. That's why we offer a wide range of engaging activities to make keeping healthy feel less like a chore and more of an adventure with the extra benefit of rewards. Now, that gives you more reasons to Live Well with AIA Vitality!