Driving Quality of Care through Value Based Healthcare (VBC)

What is Value Based Healthcare (VBC) and how it benefits patients?

Value based healthcare (VBC) is a healthcare approach that focuses on delivering high-quality, effective, and efficient medical services to patients while also considering the cost. It supports better patient outcomes and patient-provider relationships.

Benefits of Value Based Healthcare

Partnership with SGH

SGH started their VBC journey in 2020 with the aim to optimise clinical outcomes and costs. The program has since expanded to more than 40 conditions (including common procedures such as total knee replacement and gall bladder removal).
The program has led to improved patient outcomes such as shorter time to recovery and mobility after surgery, and reduction in re-admission and complication rates. An example of SGH's VBC program is the Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) program. Under the ERAS program, about a quarter of the total knee replacement cases are done in a day surgery setting. This means that patients can return home on the day of surgery to recuperate at home. As part of the program, home nurses or therapists visit patients at home to help them recover well in the comfort of their homes.
The VBC program is tailored to meet patient's needs. Clinicians will assess, on a case-by-case basis, if patients are clinically eligible for a day surgery procedure or if an admission is needed. Various factors are considered to ensure that the care plan for each patient is personalised and designed in the patient's best interest (i.e., to achieve the best possible outcomes), which is what a VBC program aims to achieve.

Working with SGH to improve quality of care for patients

AIA Singapore aims to proactively support our customers through their healthcare journey. We are delighted to partner SGH which shares the same objectives as us - to make quality healthcare more accessible and affordable for Singaporeans and to help them live Healthier, Longer, Better Lives.
The goal is to co-create and support a healthcare system that prioritises value and encourages better health outcomes for patients, leading to better patient care, experiences and healthier populations.